
Clinical supervision is a professional service to support managers, staff, counsellors and individuals who work in organizations that support others. Effective supervision occurs when the external supervisor is not a member of staff.

Supervision is not a management role but rather a mentor / coaching role and is where people work in partnership to explore, reflect, unravel the demands that can face them and provide a new insight.

Types of supervision are individual supervision or facilitated group supervision.

Supervision is based upon:
Coaching – to fully trust in the relationship, development – through reflection on self and others process, resourcing – how we respond to our colleagues and qualitative – understanding the process.

Supervision provides a safe place to stand back and reflect on yourself and your organization’s expectations and demands.

It will help develop coping strategies – how to deal with work, life and society-related issues. It can enhance resilience concerning emotional well-being, and also provide an opportunity for debriefing difficult and critical incidents.

Supervision can help to prevent burnout, (compassion fatigue) reduce stress levels, and is a way of developing coping strategies. Supervision is delivered in education and the positive feedback reflects the benefits the staff and management team have gained from this approach.

” Research suggests that appropriate emotional support can buffer against anxiety and stress, and aid the management of high workloads.

Supervision can improve staff well-being and morale, and improve staff retention”.

Clinical Supervison aids emotional support


“I have been visiting Tracy for Supervision for the last two years, and have really benefited from her calming and non-judgemental approach. I always look forward to my sessions, as they are an opportunity to offload: discussing any work issues which are ‘keeping me awake at night’ and come up with solutions, or put them into perspective, which is so beneficial for my mental health and well-being. Tracy is extremely professional, warm and welcoming, and has a way of drawing out my worries and helping me to resolve them. I always leave these sessions feeling lighter and more positive.”

Head Teacher

“I have supervision every month and it has transformed how I think about work, relationships within school and also allowed me to value myself. It gives me time to reflect on my own leaderships style, how relationships within work are nurtured and it has had a massive positive impact on my own wellbeing. Supervision is now an integral part of my routine and I value the sessions greatly.”

Head Teacher

“Supervision with Tracy is definitely for me. It really does help, that I can see. Talking about self, reflecting on things, Talking things through, whatever it brings. Occasionally some tears but mainly a smile and that does make it all worth while! I can say it out loud, ‘I can do this! I’m proud! I’m amazing! I’m good!’ Try it, you should!’

Head Teacher

“Staff are more vocal with positive aspects of a situation. Increased team support across school. More staff in particular teaching assistant staff are showing confidence to step up (particularly with the current situation – Covid) and support/supervise classes. Comments I’m getting, ‘I really enjoyed it’. Ofsted commented on well-being and also on how high staff morale was. Supervision was also mentioned as a positive by individual staff to the Ofsted inspector.”


Let’s talk now about how your staff

and your business can benefit

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